Dale Flick is an artist/craftsman whose specialty is interpreting ideas and objects through the medium of paper and related media. Educated in Architecture (Bachelor of Architecture, 1972, The Cooper Union For The Advancement of Science and Art, NYC), Flick has over 30 years experience conceiving and executing models for various purposes, from production prototypes for the miniatures hobby market to full scale mock-ups of architectural details; from building and interior models to museum reproductions of antique furniture; from complex master plan exhibits for large institutions to window displays of fantasy rooms and gardens. Originally trained in the production of machined acrylic models, Flick quickly discovered the artistic advantages of working with paper and thin laminates. Along with the “hand-crafted” feel of models made without extensive use of tooling, paints and compounds, paper has a timeless honesty and delicacy that is sympathetic to a wide range of styles in architecture. In addition to its practical benefits as a light-weight, easily manipulated, yet strong medium with low-tech production requirements, paper, since its ancient origins, has repeatedly been reinvented, giving the modern artist endless esthetic choices in color, weight and texture. With this medium Flick has developed a reputation as a maker of quality models delivered within tight deadlines and budgets.
Contact: 201 795-1413